In December, Sammi Cheng and Andy Hui’s manager announced that the couple will be getting married this year. Sources recently revealed that the lovebirds have set their wedding date on Easter Day (Apr 20), and that their good friend, actress Shu Qi, will play bridesmaid on that day.
In addition, an insider further claimed that Sammi is currently two months pregnant and that the couple will welcome a “Horse” baby at the end of the year.
According to Hong Kong media, Andy successfully proposed to Sammi on her birthday last August. The 46-year-old had described his “three step proposal”, which includes a diamond ring, flowers and going down on his knees, as “peaceful and earnest”.
Also, Andy has reportedly added Sammi’s name to the title deed of his luxurious apartment located in the Mid-level West district. The unit, which is worth HK$200 million (approximately S$32.64 million), will be the couple’s home after their wedding.