Veteran Hong Kong actor Felix Wong’s wife, Leung Kit-Wah, was diagnosed with cancer two months ago, and was since hospitalised. Although last month was their 25th wedding anniversary – a silver jubilee – they had to spend it at the hospital.
The initial progress of Kit-Wah’s chemotherapy treatment looked positive, however, her immunity worsened due to low white blood cell count and she subsequently developed a fever. To prevent further infections, doctors arranged for her to be housed at an isolated ward.
Last Friday, Felix was seen outside the hospital. When asked if his wife was undergoing chemotherapy, the 52-year-old actor’s eyes reddened and said she is undergoing treatment at the hospital, and her condition was all right.
When Felix’s actress daughter Adrian Wong arrived at an event on Sunday, she appeared unaffected and was all smiles, saying that her mother’s condition is not as bad as reported in the media, and thanked everyone for their concern.
She declined to confirm if Kit-Wah was really down with cancer, and said that as her mother is not in showbiz, she hopes to keep the matter a low profile.
Felix dated his wife since 1982, and the couple married in 1988.