A Beverly Hills Police officer has been accused of stripping Whitney Houston's body of its protective sheet after her death, making inappropriate comments and potentially contaminating the scene.
Patrol Sergeant Brian Weir filed a claim with the City of Beverly Hills complaining about the alleged conduct of then-Beverly Hills Police Department Sergeant (now Lieutenant) Terry Nutall.
According to the filing: "Detective Sergeant Nutall, for no legitimate law enforcement inquiry, investigative, or other proper and legal purpose, knelt beside and leaned over the decedent, removed the sheet and/or other covering from the body of the decedent to an area below the pubic region of the decedent's body, and came in close proximity to touching the body of the decedent while making inappropriate comments to the effect and substance that the decedent 'looked attractive for a woman of her age and current state' and 'Damn, she's still looking good, huh?'."
The filing adds that "Nutall, in a manner not authorised by law, treated the dead body of the decedent in a way that Nutall knew would outrage ordinary family sensibilities" and "caused potential and/or actual contamination of potential DNA and/or other potential evidence on the body of the decedent".
Weir claims that he had privileges stripped from him and was harassed after reporting the alleged misconduct.